Why Is Coney Island So Popular?

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The late 19th and early 20th century was a time when America was enormously changing. Coney Island’s extravagant amusement parks caught the eyes’ of all America. John Kasson states the reason why Coney Island was so popular was because it “mocked the established social order” (Kasson 50). The image from John F. Kasson’s book Amusing the Million is a great example of how Coney Island was in the early 20th century. The image is called “Riding the elephant” and it was taken at Luna Park. The image shows people riding an elephant, sliding down slides, and waiting for the rides. John Kasson explains that the park is “ an agent of Americanization for immigrants and their children” (Kasson 70). It is very obvious that Coney Island would be very attractive to immigrants because of the exotic and familiar architecture and animals. Americans also loved the features of Coney Island because it was out of their cultural norm (70). …show more content…

The image suggests about the changing materials, demographic, and the social relations of the late 19th and early 20th century that this was a time where high class met kookiness. The image shows men and women very well dressed riding on elephants and going down slides. All the men are wearing suits and hats while the women are in either skirts or dresses with extravagant hats. This shows that even though most of these people were maybe higher class, Coney Island was still very attractive to them. The architecture is out of the norm and because of the numerous people that are at the park it is evident that the people of the time enjoyed spending their weekend at Coney

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