Why Is Catcher In The Rye Banned

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The Catcher in the Rye was written by J.D. Salinger in 1946. This book is considered by some to be a classic, but yet some others deem this book as one of the most controversial books in American literature. Throughout the United States, some schools and libraries have banned the book, but other schools and libraries have kept the book in its curriculum and taught as a “must-read” to students. So, why is this book being banned in the first place? In Salinger’s novel, the main character is Holden Caulfield, a stereotypical teenager facing psychological troubles. After getting kicked out of his school for the fifth time at the age of 16, he goes on a journey that takes him all the way to New York. Through his journey, he encounters many different …show more content…

When Holden talks, he mostly swears in every sentence he says. Some swears he says are minor, such as hell or damn, or as major and offensive as bastard and sonuvabitch. “‘You’re a dirty stupid sonuvabitch of a moron,’ I told him,” (50). With Holden’s habit of swearing in almost everything he says, it might seem very surprising to people, considering the fact that Holden is just only a 16-17 years old teenager. An example of Holden’s consistent swearing is a conversation he had with Ackley in chapter 3. During Holden’s conversation with Ackley, they swore 31 times alone from page 23 all the way up to page 28. That is outrageous! Such vulgar and consistent swearing that Holden says almost all the time should never be said by anyone younger or anyone that is about Holden’s …show more content…

An example of extreme violence mentioned in the book is a story about James Castle, a boy Holden knew at his previous school. According to Holden’s words, James was being harassed by other students because he said something very offensive to someone. Instead of taking his words back, he couldn’t stand what the other students were saying and jumped out of the window only to fall to his very death. “He was dead, and his teeth, and blood, were all over the place, and nobody would even go near him,”(188). This brief story of James Castle represents how bullying can cause suicide. James Castle was harassed in a very repulsive way that Holden can’t even describe. It was so repulsive that it eventually led to the death of an innocent student jumping out of a window. However, this example of suicide is very illogical. The chances of a person killing himself because of calling someone a name and it getting heavily back-lashed are very slim and it would be a very unnecessary thing to do if this had happened to

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