Why I Want To Attend CTA

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The program I am applying for at CTA is Aviation. This is program was the key factor in my decision to attend CTA, but it was not the only one. I have heard many good things about the school and the courses from friends who have loved taking courses there. In addition been at CTA before in your summer program and I loved it. The people I met were wonderful and the program helped to open my eyes to greater possibilities for my future. Your school helped me to branch out and enjoy learning, now I would love to return and see what other opportunities and experiences await me at your school. Though I would love to apply for many of the courses at CTA first and foremost I aspire to be a pilot. It also fits in very well with the results of my recent matchmaker season; apparently, I should consider a career pathway in the Transportation, Distribution & Logistics cluster. Going to college, entering as an Aviation major, and becoming a commercial pilot has been my career plan since the eighth grade. The CTA Aviation program would help me to get a head start on learning the basics of flight and operating a …show more content…

I know how to study well and I use this to my advantage in school; along with, being a quick learner and decently intelligent person. Of course, there might be better fits for this program than me. Tending to come off as a shy and quiet person I tend to not fit in as readily as other students, consequently, I sometimes find it hard to fully participate or share my views. Despite this, I believe that I have much to offer, in the way of an open mind, enthusiasm, dedication, and a sparkling personality. I like to consider myself a thoughtful, patient person who is comfortable asking questions and making mistakes; even zealously sharing my thoughts and opinions on matters in a comfortable environment, of which I have found CTA to be in my

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