Why I Love Soccer

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Whether identified as football or soccer, the passion and fire of the soccer fuels the lives of those indulged in the love for it. I believe I could be an ambassador to the beautiful game executing my critical ideas and strategies with the unending attempt to achieve a goal. Soccer has been a crucial component of my development into a young adult since it involves constant attention to all areas of the field and involves roles of teamwork as well as individual leadership. Since my early elementary years, my life has revolved around the sport through which I have experienced countless memories, formed many relationships, and acquired numerous life lessons. One marvelous aspect of soccer is that gear is not required to play except for a ball …show more content…

You have the speed, now you have to do the problem solving.” I love the game because it always keeps spectators on the edge of their seats; a wide variety of players and strategies leaves any individual wondering how the match will unfold. Soccer is incredibly dynamic; every team has a distinct playing style, such as the “long ball,” possession, or counter attack to name a few, and each style has its ramifications. One approach may suit a team depending on the capabilities of the players, and the match becomes fascinating if teams with different styles oppose each other. For example, how does a side compete with a “long ball (merely kicking the ball as far as possible and then having players run onto it)” style? “Long ball” teams are frustrating because they constantly clear the ball as far as possible resulting in the opposition team running towards their own goal trying to defend. World class soccer players in these situations instantly read the game and know how to solve the problem. I admire the tactical side of the game, and I strive to understand it similar to the way professionals do. While tactics are crucial in soccer, a commanding leader is vital to a team’s

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