Why Fat Burner, It 's A Fat Burning Supplement

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Rehan Jalali has released his latest product Pretty Lean, it’s a fat burning supplement. When I came across the notification of his release I thought to myself, “Why fat burner?” I have made many trips to the store to purchase my supplements and I have always seen fat burners. I would read the ingredients they had listed on the back and noticed so many ingredients, some of them which are pretty harmful to your heart and even your brain. I noticed that they didn’t inform you as to how many milligrams of each ingredient listed was in the bottle, especially not knowing how much caffeine you’re taking in, that can be dangerous. I myself have been skeptical about these products. I also didn’t feel as if I needed it, I am already lean. I decided to go on Rehans website anyway, Rehan is someone I trust, if he won’t put it in his body, then I knew for sure he wouldn’t sell it to others. The first thing I noticed was the fact that on the website it said “Combined with good nutrition and exercise program, Pretty Lean can help support Fat Loss, Thermogenesis, Metabolism, Joint and Skin Health.” Which was pretty surprising because most of these fat burners don’t emphasize on proper nutrition and exercise, most companies that sell fat burners make the consumer feel as if the product is a magic pill. I then saw “Don’t Just Get Lean, Get Pretty Lean!” I am always trying to achieve my best self so why am I just going to settle for being lean when I can be leaner? Of course, like any smart consumer I went straight to the ingredients link. I saw a list of 7 ingredients, Green Tea Extract, Green Coffee Bean, Guggulsterones, Cayenne Pepper Powder, Biocell Collagen, Vitamin A, and Chromium. I was ecstatic these were great, clean ingredients, there was... ... middle of paper ... ...ays there to share his knowledge and help guide those that asked for guidance. After having the opportunity to interview him, I got to know that on top of what I had observed and googled, he is also extremely humble, down to earth, lives a normal life, believes in giving, on his website he has a list of charities that one can donate to. He is up to date with his knowledge. He has truly modeled excelling in what you do, giving it 110%, not doing anything in life with a half heart. He has been in this industry for over 20 years and has been pretty consistent with caring about providing information and products that are lifetime investments, not just temporary results with long term consequences. After the interview I felt that he truly lives by, “love for your brother what you love for yourself.” For more information about Pretty Lean, visit www.prettylean.net today.

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