Why Does Maxon Want To Keep America

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“When we got the letter in the post, my mother was ecstatic.”(Cass 1). This the first line of the book that I read called The Selection by Kiera Cass, which is the perfect way to start this dramatic story of America Singer. America Singer lives in a world built with castes, in which she and her family are fives out of eight castes. She gets a letter to enter The Selection, a competition for Prince Maxon’s heart. America’s name gets pulled and the next thing she knows, she is in the palace with 34 other girls. She goes on an emotional journey trying to decide if she wants to stay or go back home. I can easily evaluate that America has a lot of different thoughts running through her head right now. I found myself asking many questions such as …show more content…

I assume that Maxon wants to keep America around considering she is completely different from the other girls. The readers know this as a result of America not conforming to the expectations. America does not change herself according to the Prince, supposedly wants in a girl. She, instead, remains acting like herself and living her life for her not Prince Maxon. America also doesn’t treat her maids like any of the other girls. The readers know this considering America will just sit playing cards and relax with her maids like friends instead of her maids. America also takes her maids with her when a rebel attack occurred, which she is not allowed to do, but she did it anyways so they would be safe. The readers also know that America treats her maids different due to America asking Maxon “What will happen to my maids?”(Cass 153) which shows she cares about them like friends, and Maxon responds “Your maids?”(Cass 153) which shows that no one has ever showed worry over where their maids are in possible jeopardy. America also doesn’t indulge herself in the luxury of the palace. The readers know this due to America wearing only her small, simple bird necklace over the choice of expensive diamond necklaces. She also prefers simpler dresses compared to exquisite, detailed dress the other girls wear. I also think Maxon wants to keep America around due to her giving him a hard time unlike the other girls. The readers know that America gives Maxon a hard time by reason of her yelling at him in the garden when he tries to help her. America yells at Maxon when he calls her “dear” and glares at him. America also gives Maxon a hard time when they make a bet. Maxon and America make a bet that if May, America’s younger sister, cries when she eats one of the strawberry tarts America gets to wear pants, and if May doesn’t cry Maxon gets to take America on a walk for a date. During this time, America answers Maxon with sass and sarcasm.

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