Why Do Children Should Study A Foreign Language Essay

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Presently, learning a foreign language is playing a significant key role to the society as our world becomes more connected through technological advances. A teacher in multilingual school has the ability to teach their students with several languages that might help them in their academic performance so that they may succeed in future career. Physiological studies have found that children who have learn different language from a young age are able to speak perfectly without an accent. This is because their brains are able to soak in a foreign language at an impressive rate. So, it is very important that all children should study a foreign language in the earliest grades.
First of all, one of the reason why children should study a foreign language …show more content…

Learning a foreign language involves memorizing information which improves on people’s working memories where it deals with storage and processing of information over a period of time in order to strengthen mental as well. As the brains works out and function properly, it sharpen skills on reading, problem solving and negotiating by learning a new languages in life. Parents should support their kids to learn a foreign language instead of waiting until they are teens. As the brain of a young kid has several areas active in language acquisition. For instance, between two to six of young children have the abilities to learn a new languages much easier as they are very active receptors of the languages that exists surround them (Maxwell, …show more content…

There are lots of ways that speaking new language can improve on personal employment prospects as more companies nowadays are doing business internationally with another country. In this case, the employer should hire and recruit those new employee that able to speak different language so that it may enhance global business performance. For example, curriculum vitae is a key tool to determine of one’s working experience and skills particularly in language area in order to interact within multiple communities and connect with a broader range of people as well (Wagers,

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