Why Did The Narrator Throw Away The Umbrella In The Sewer?

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Why did the narrator throw away the umbrella in the sewer? The conflict in the story is that the narrator's mom is working and she is embarrassed by this fact but she does not want to tell anyone it. "But she isn't", said Mona. "She's working" "Shhh! Miss.Crosman is going to hear you.". This shows me that when Mona wanted to tell Miss.Crossman that their mom was working. The narrator told Mona not to and forced her to keep her mouth shut. Also," I didn't say anything and I tried to keep Mona from saying anything either. "But why shouldn't I?" she argued. "Lots of people's mothers work." "Those are American people," I said" This shows me that she did not want Mona to mention the fact that their mom was working. Also, from this, you can infer …show more content…

To hide this fact she tell Miss.Crosman many lies. She finds a umbrella and she really wants to keep it. She thinks about asking her mom for a umbrella but decides not to. “I looked at it again, toying with the idea of asking for one for Christmas. I I knew, however, how my mother would react. “Things,” she would say. “What’s the matter with a raincoat? All you want is things, just like an American.” In this way the umbrella represented all of the American pleasure. At first she did not mind this fact. When Miss Crossman gave her the umbrella she was very happy. “Thank you, Miss Crosman. Thank you very much. Thanks a zillion. It’s beautiful. It’s stupendous!” “You’re quite welcome,” she said.“Thank you,” I said again, but that didn’t seem like enough. Suddenly I knew just what she wanted to hear. “I wish you were my mother.” Right away I felt bad.” After this her mom came to pick her up. She wanted to hide the umbrella from her mom after remembering her conversation with Miss.Crossman. When her mom sees the umbrella it cause an accident. The narrator just decided to get rid of the umbrella because she doesn't want it to cause anymore trouble. “I threw the umbrella down a sewer.” This is kind of like her just getting rid of hr

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