Why Did Chris Mccandless Leave

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Anthony Quinones Period. 3 12/21/2016 Into The Wild Why did McCandless leave such a strong and deep impression on Jan Burres, Ronald Franz and Wayne Westerberg? Chris McCandless Never stayed in one place for long, but he would keep in contact with certain people. These few people Chris McCandless met during his travels were left with a deep impression of Chris. Chris met many people but only stayed in contact with a few. Chris McCandless stayed in contact with these few people because of a few reason’s he knew his importance to them as they had on him. Chris met three important people during his adventure these people were Jan Burres, Ronald Franz, and Wayne Westerberg. Out of everyone who he had met it was only these three important people who he decided to stay in contact with, why? McCandless had a great childhood from the looks of it, all the photos of his childhood were him hiking or out on vacation or a happy family portrait, but those were just pictures. Chris’s father was a smart man he got paid a good salary, owned a nice home, had a wife and children of his own, but that was only the tip of the iceberg. He was abusive to his wife and made his children watch, this hurt Chris deeply. Chris’s mom would often tell them she is sorry, that she got pregnant with Chris and can't leave. It hurt Chris so much he decided to leave, …show more content…

Wayne was a jack of all trades he was a smart man who also gave Chris a job. Wayne gave many jobs to hitchhikers before, but none of them were like Chris. “I’ve given lots of jobs to hitchhikers over the years, most of them weren't much good, didn’t really want to work. It was a different story with Alex(Chris McCandless changed his name to Alex Supertramp to hide his identity). He was the hardest worker, I’ve ever seen.” said Wayne. This is why he left such a deep impression on Wayne, he stood out of every one of his workers and met him while

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