Why Chris Mccandless Went To The Wild

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Chris McCandless is a man that went to the wild to live for one hundred and thirteen days until he finally died. Many people speculate on why McCandless went to the wild, but no one knows for sure. I am going to take a crack at why Chris Might have done this. McCandless wanted to live his life to the fullest, most possible way and live relaxed. He wanted to go to the wild for a getaway, like a vacation. Chris McCandless went to the wild to live life to the fullest; complete, unearthed, and relaxed. Chris McCandless went to the wild to live a complete life. Chris read something by Thoreau; about life and how people do not live “awake” or to the fullest of life. McCandless wanted to live life the way he wanted to. He could live life his way, only if he could do so away from society and laws. Chris’s idea was to live life laid back, how he wants, which was to feel awake as influenced by Thoreau. …show more content…

He wanted to discover the world that he did not know. McCandless had a passion for getting lost because it was like a challenge to find his way out and explore. This whole passion started off with his time in cross country. Chris wanted adventure, so that is why he headed west. Chris’s strong hunger to explore, along with his passion for adventure, influenced Chris to want to live his life unearthed. Chris McCandless went to the wild to live life relaxed. Chris wanted to live relaxed, in peace, and not have bosses, superiors or society breathing down his neck all the time. He did not even want to live the lifestyle of his parents and he rejected them. An example of Chris’s desire to live away from society is when he discovers a friendly, but quiet town after the truck driver offers him a job (Krakauer pg.62). Chris McCandless’s unmoved reaction to society caused him to go to the wild to feel

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