Why Are Civil Liberties Important

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In simple terms, civil liberties mean the basic freedoms all people are guaranteed by law. Whether it be stated in laws and constitutions or interpreted through the years by lawmakers, civil freedoms are those powers that people in society may exercise under civil law. Furthermore, civil liberties provide individuals limited protection from the government. However, some may argue that national security from the government gets in the way of civil liberties at times. Examples of this in the United States would be the Patriot Act or in broader terms, the NSA. Whether sacrificing our civil liberties are means necessary in order to keep us safe, is a question many people have discussed throughout history. In my opinion, I strongly feel some civil liberties need to be hindered or restrained in order to keep people in America safe. First and foremost, when it comes to the Supreme Court on civil liberty cases, they must balance someone’s freedom with what the government thinks is in the best interest for the public good. For instance, because of the war on …show more content…

Chicago case in 2010 because the court ruled that the handgun band in Chicago was unconstitutional because it went against the 2nd Amendment of right to bear arms. Even though banning guns does go against our civil liberties, we need laws and bans in order to keep the American people safe. Just a few days ago there was the biggest mass shooting in recent American history. I believe if we have stronger laws on guns, things like this would not happen as much. The United States is one of the only first world countries that allows the open carry of guns, which makes sense that the United States has the most mass shootings compared to many countries. Therefore, I do feel that the government should go to measures, such as going through phone records and through private records in order to keep us safe; even if this means hindering our civil

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