Why All Men Are Not Created Equal

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Why All Men Are Not Equal As harsh as it sounds, not all men are created equal, especially in the United States. From the moment we are born, our lives may vary drastically from the lives of others. The types of lives we have may also determine our opportunities in life. People in America are based on their social standings and economic contribution. Some people are born into families that have a high social standing, others build up to become someone important or wealthy. Just like our lives are different, so is our American Dream. We all have an idea of a perfect life we would like to live. Even from the start of out lives, we are all defined by what types of lives our parents live. The opportunities we are given in life may be determined by the type of life we grow up in. If we are born into a wealthy family, our chances are automatically better than those of someone who grew up in a poverty stricken environment. As Thomas Phipps states, “I am a member of the privileged American class known as the WASPs, the silver spoon people, the people who were handed things from an early a...

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