Who's Next In Line Analysis

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“Who’s Next In Line?” The Lottery was about some villagers who live in a small town, with the about 300 people in total, who gathered around in the square on June 27 for the town lottery. The lottery usually takes longer in other towns, however since this town was so small, it only takes about 2 hours. Some of the children in the village who had just finished school for the summer ran around collecting stones. It was never made clear to me in the story as to why the children collected the stones and piled them into the squares, however they always stuffed their pockets with the smoothest and roundest ones. I am assuming they threw the stones at the people who didn’t agree with Mr. Summer’s decision or was unsatisfied. Mr. Summers was the guy in the story who ran the lottery, square dances, the teen clubs, and the Halloween parties. He ran the lottery and the other activities because he has a lot of time to do things for the village. Once he arrives along with Mr. Graves and the little black box that held some traditional values (even though it was not the original), the lottery was about to take place. Before Mr. Summers conducted the lottery he spoke briefly about replacing the box because the one that they were using was very shabby. Unfortunately no one wants to be bothered with the traditional aspects of life. …show more content…

Summers and Mr. Graves made a list of all of the families and all of the different households in the villages and Mr. Summers also had to be sworn in. However in the past, the people in the village used to sing a song and salute the person conducting the lottery, but again traditional values have been lost. Just as Mr. Summer’s left off talking and turned to the villagers, Ms. Teesie Hutchinson along with her husband and kids joined the crowd, flustered because she forgot that the lottery was going to take place. So Mr. Summers went along with the drawing and advised everybody of all of the

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