Who Was Responsible For Hera's Downfall

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As many people know, Zeus is the epitome of unfaithful husbands and, like any wife would under those circumstances, Hera developed a deep hatred for the fruits of these deeds. Typically, Hera aspired to provoke the evil within the bastard children in order to prove to Zeus how unworthy they were. As a result, Hera would always have Zeus’ undivided attention. This worked flawlessly for centuries until Zeus went to bed with Metis. Consequently, Athena was born some time later, fully grown and matured. From the start of her existence, the name Athena became synonymous with honorable things such as wisdom, courage, war, and inspiration — things which placed her above all others in the eyes of Zeus. Being so, Hera began to take extreme measures …show more content…

When asked how they Greeks would invade Troy, Tiresias spoke of a hollow horse capable of holding many men. Furthermore, Tiresias prophesied that if Hera allowed for the Greeks to continue with her bidding, it would ultimately lead to her downfall. Hera, full of confidence, assured herself that she would not be undone by one of her husband’s bastard children. For that reason, she ordered the construction of the hollow, horse statue and, once it was finished, offered it to Athena as a peace offering. After putting up with Hera for years, Athena is ready to put an end to this confrontation. That being so, she accepts the statue and places it in the center of Troy. Later that night, some of the Greeks emerged from the inside of the Trojan Horse and opened the gates for those remaining on the outside. Within an hour, the city of Troy, in its entirety, went up in flames. However, Hera has forgotten that Athena is, by nature, an excellent war strategist. Being so, she recognized Hera’s true intentions with the Trojan Horse. Nevertheless, she allowed the city of Troy and its inhabitants to be sacrificed as a pawn in the war against Hera. With the destruction of Troy, Athena knew that Hera would no longer have any leverage over her. On the other hand, Athena had many things which would give her an advantage over Hera. As the wife to the king of gods, Hera thought herself to be very

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