Who Is The Protagonist In Cinderella Man

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In Ron Howard’s Cinderella Man (2005), James J. Braddock, portrayed by Russell Crowe plays a workingman who is trying to keep his wife, Mae (Renee Zellweger) and kids off of the streets. The film takes place during the Great Depression, where jobs are incredibly difficult to come across. Braddock tries to go to the local docks daily to make a small sum of money for doing hard labor. One day, he takes up boxing to make some more money. When he breaks his hand in a match, he is fired from boxing and must return to the docks to work with a broken hand. Without the income from boxing, Mae and the kids are running out of money and are unable to pay the heat or electrical bills. The kids get sick, and James takes a one-time shot at a boxing match. …show more content…

This is not a problem since Braddock had made a hefty chunk of change from the first match. The Cinderella Man trains and works his way up to fighting in the championships with famous boxer, Max Baer (played by Crain Bierko). Baer is known to hurt his opponents badly, and Mae does not want to allow her husband to participate in the fight. James longs so badly to give his family a happy life, so he continues with the fight. Because Joe is quickly running out of money, Braddock simply must win the fight. It takes all fifteen rounds and a final tiebreaker to decide the winner of the painfully long battle. In the end, James J. Braddock pulls out the win by a unanimous vote. They all celebrate and go on to live the lives they have been dreaming of for so

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