Who Is The Antagonist In The Silence Of The Lambs

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This paper explores the events and analyzes the three main characters in The Silence of the lambs. The characters are Clarice Starling, an FBI agent in training with childhood trauma and Jame Gumb (otherwise known as Buffalo Bill) who is a transgender male who kills women and takes the victims skin and wears it. The last and most important character is Dr. Hannibal Lecter, who was a psychiatrist and psychopath that kills and eats people. This paper explores the relationship between Dr. L. and Clarice and how they have a connection demonstrated throughout the movie. As Buffalo Bill is considered to be the main antagonist, Dr. L. is portrayed to be both an antagonist and a protagonist through his actions. Clarice is the main protagonist, and tries to lean insights from Dr. L. to catch Buffalo Bill. This research paper will also go into details of The Silence of the Lambs’ events and how the two serial killers in the movie are based on real life killers like Ted Bundy, Ed Gain, and Albert Fish. Using five outside sources, research is conducted on real life killers and this can be tied back to the characters of The Silence of the Lambs.
The Silence of the Lambs series uses many psychological terms which are brought to light as …show more content…

On this ranch, Clarice witnesses lambs being chopped up, and she hears the screaming of the lambs as they draw their last breath, and somehow makes a psychic association that parallels it to her father’s death. As Clarice tries to save all the lambs, they won’t move even after she opens the gate. She takes a lamb and runs off, only to be picked up in a police car a mile later. She can still hear the screaming of the lamb that she tried to save every night she sleeps because it was very traumatic after the death of her father to witness the butchering of an animal at such a young

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