Who Is Responsible For Romeo And Juliet's Death

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Alfred A. Montapert once said, “ Nobody ever did, or ever will escape the consequences of his choices.” This quote is relevant to Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet because Romeo and Juliet are two lovers who do not escape the consequences of their choices. Romeo falls in love too easily, and Juliet goes against her better judgment. The story revolves around the two lovers who love each other without their parent’s approval. They are always making decisions and choices that give them bad consequences, resulting in the lovers committing suicide. On account of Romeo and Juliet’s actions, the two star-crossed lovers caused their own deaths.
Juliet is responsible for her own death because she did not think about the consequences of her actions. First, …show more content…

First, Romeo crashes the party and sneaks into Juliet’s garden. This is bad because Romeo could have gotten caught and punished if someone saw him speaking with Juliet in the garden. Also, Romeo falls in love too quickly. Romeo needs to process if he is actually in love, or if he is in love with the idea of being in love. Romeo should have thought before he snuck into her garden because there is a huge feud between the two families, and he could have made the feuding worse. In addition, Romeo goes to the friar for advice and not his parents. Romeo should have told his parents because Romeo’s parents could have understood that he loved Juliet, and they could have accepted that. If Romeo had told his parents, Juliet and Romeo’s marriage could have been the end of the feud. Romeo’s parents could have welcomed Juliet into the family, and the two families could have seen how their love is real. It is bad that Romeo went to the friar because the friar is the cause of all of their problems. Finally, Romeo kills Tybalt. This is a problem because he does not get to see the one true person he loves because of the banishment. He should have thought about the consequences of this action. Romeo could have been executed and Juliet could have been left a widow. Romeo should have talked to Prince Escalus about his banishment before deciding to make all the elaborate plans. If Romeo would have talked to him, Prince Escalus could have decreased Romeo’s punishment even more. In conclusion, Romeo does not think about his actions and how destructive they are to him and other people, leading to his

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