Who Is President Nixon's Executive Privilege?

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On June 17, 1972 a group of several men, dressed as hippies decided to break into a Democratic National Committee located at the Watergate buildings in Washington D.C. They broke into the committee to steal documents and wiretapping the phones from the government. It was all going good until the a security guard noticed that there was duct tape over a door lock. He removed that piece of tape, left, then came back later to another piece of tape on the door lock. The security guard called the Washington D.C. Police. The cops showed up at the watergate buildings to check it out. A cop named Alfred C. Baldwin III was in a restaurant watching a horror movie and a policeman named Barrett called to tell Baldwin the situation. Baldwin did not respond until later; he asked what the suspects were dressed as and in response, the walkie talkie said they were dressed in suits and ties. Baldwin did not believe it …show more content…

The special prosecutor demanded the president to handover the documents and wiretapped telephone recordings Nixon stole at the watergate scandal. Nixon refused from the subpoena claiming “ executive privilege.” Executive privilege means the right to withhold information from the other government branches to preserve confidential communications within the executive branch or secure the national interest. The big question in this court case is “ Is the President's right to safeguard certain information, using his “executive privilege” confidentiality power, entirely immune from judicial review ?” The court decided that the “executive privilege” only had the power over some of the areas like the military or diplomatic affairs but did not the power over the subpoena. Therefore, Nixon must follow the subpoena and give up the documents and wiretapped telephone recordings to the Supreme Court/ the government. After Nixon loss the case, he shortly resigned from presidency and the other seven men received jail

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