Who Is Niska In The Trapping The Trapper

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My drawing depicts 3 scenes from this selection. The first frame shows Niska stalking the french hunter from behind a bush. This is important because from the first time she saw him, she was immediately interested in him and started to plot a few things to mess with him. She followed the french hunter wherever he went and studied his every move. In the second frame I drew the french hunter following the tracks to Niska’s askihkan. This was Niska’s master plan to essentially trap the trapper which is why I titled my piece, “Trapping The Trapper”. Niska built the askihkan and left her tracks in the snow hoping that the french hunter would follow them and come inside. Niska’s plan was originally to tie the man up and put him to sleep so she can study his pale body. We see that things ended up differently which brings me to my last frame. I drew Niska staring into the eyes of the french hunter. Things became to get intimate after that and …show more content…

Slipknot was also a character who when just introduced in the film, ends up being blown up just a few scenes later. The part where Elijah is given morphine for his injury reminds and craves it after reminds me of when I am hungry and eat fast foods such as McDonalds I start to crave it again the next day. The part where the soldiers get time off to go to the estaminet to drink and hook up with prostitutes remind me of the time I went to Amsterdam and saw that those who were off from work would go out drinking at a bar or hook up with the prostitutes. The episode of where Elijah teaches Xavier how to write in English in residential school and ends up getting in trouble with Sister Magdalene reminds me of when I used to help my classmates with math in elementary school and ended up getting in trouble for talking during the silent work

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