Who Is Miss Strangeworth's Character

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Miss Strangeworths character can be analyzed by considering what she does, what the narrator says about her, and how other characters interact with her. Miss Strangeworths character can be analyzed by considering what she does. She is cheerful. When Miss Strangeworth went to get groceries, she talked to Mr. Lewis which the she says “And good morning to you too, Mr. Lewis.” Which shows that she was very cheerful. Miss Strangeworth was obviously very happy to see Mr. Lewis, in the book it says that they had been really good friends in high school. In the book, Miss Strangeworth says “Yes thankyou Mr. Lewis. Such a lovely day, isn’t it?” When she says that you can obviously see she is being cheerful. Miss Strangeworth is clearly a cheerful person; when she talks to people she is very nice. …show more content…

She is moody. Miss strangeworth was in the grocery store when she noticed Martha didnt look too well, the narrator said, looking after her, Miss strangeworth shook her head slightly. Martha definitely did not look well. This sentence shows that she judges people. Miss Strangeworth had got home when, after thinking for a minute, although she had been phrasing the letter in the back of her mind all the way home, she wrote on a pink sheet: Didnt you ever see an idiot child before? Some people just shouldnt have children should they? You can see here that she just dosnt care about anyone’s feelings but hers. In the book, Miss Strangeworths mood changes all the time, she could be happy for someone one minute, then be judgemental of them the

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