Who Is Jem Dare In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In the beginning of the story, Jem enjoys the childish games of fantasizing about Boo Radley, taking any dare, and . Scout tells the reader that Jem becomes more and more moody as the story progresses, due to his aging. He thinks more; he shows more compassion; and he is appalled by the unfairness that rears its ugly head in his hometown. While Scout recounts the events of her childhood, the reader fails to notice that “To Kill a Mockingbird” is not a story about the narrator (Scout) maturing, it is actually about Jem maturing, and becoming an adult. The first page of the book mentions Jem right off the bat, making him a main aspect of “To Kill a Mockingbird”. The narrator (Scout) states ”When he was nearly thirteen my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow.” Jem has been brought to the story in the first line of the book.This will eventually come full circle at the end when Jem gets his arm broken again by Bob Ewell. This is a significant showing how he is the main focus of the story. …show more content…

He would blindly do a dare not thinking of the consequence. The book states, “Jem wanted Dill to know once and for all that he wasn’t scared of anything.” Then Jem eventually touched the Radley house and ran off. He did this to show that he’s “brave”. This isn’t what courage/ bravery is to Atticus. He said, “It's when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do.” When Jem finds out that Ms. Dubose had an addiction to painkillers and she stayed clean he realized he was able to see that Ms. Dubose has

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