Who Is Abigail Williams In The Crucible

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The movie The Crucible is based on a 1953 piece written by American playwright Arthur Miller. The entirety of this play is an exaggerated, mostly fabricated tale based on the Salem witch trials that took place in Massachusetts during 1692. It's story surrounds our main protagonist, John Proctor, our main antagonist, Abigail Williams, and their discontinued love affair. Misguided judgement, evil manipulation and deadly jealousy seem to be the main turning screws in the events that unfold. Abigail Williams, the obvious villain of the play, is petty, jealous, and revenge-driven. Throughout the film, we clearly see her intentions and motives as she seeks out to have John Proctor all to herself. It seems that she has deluded herself into believing that she and Proctor are “meant to be,” and this is the main foundation for which she builds her plans. Originally, Abigail joins in on what seems to be some kind of cult ritual sacrifice out in the woods, led by her uncle's slave, Tituba, along with many other of the town's young girls. Williams pleads with whatever entity they're attempting to call, wishing for the death of Goody Proctor (John Proctor's wife), going as far as drinking the blood of her chicken sacrifice. At the point in which she and her friends are sought and suspected of witchery, Abigail's tactics take a swift turn. …show more content…

She begins to manipulate her friends with threats of violence, lying to judge and jury, and eventually sending a multitude of innocent people to their deaths. She shows no remorse for her actions, and seems to enjoy the hold of empowerment she has over her peers. Her ability to manipulate becomes so influential that a mere whisper of an accusation from Abigail and her group could send even the most well-respected townspeople to hang. Williams abuses this well, all in the name of her “love“ for John

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