White Collar Crime Paper

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In this paper I will be discussing some of the social and demographic characteristics of white-collar criminals and also how these offenders differ from individuals that commit street crimes. I will also discuss some distinctive characteristics of white-collar offenders. Finally, I will delve into what is known about the psychology of white-collar offenders.

As is widely expected, the white-collar offender is not like the ordinary street criminal. There are in fact, several differences between the two. These differences include demographic, sociological and family characteristics. Many of these differences are often expected. For example, it would be expected that white-collar offenders come from better family backgrounds than do street criminals. This expectation is in fact true. Street criminals would be expected to have rougher upbringings than would white-collar criminals. This is also true, as street criminals are more likely to be raised in poor families. According the lecture, street criminals are also more likely to have family members that are criminals and also more likely than white-collar offenders to have been abused or neglected while they were young (lecture, 2015).

The study of the psychology of white-collar crime has not always been one of great detail. In fact, it was …show more content…

According to the reading the Psychology of White-Collar Offending, white-collar offenders are described as being egocentric and domineering. The research also seems to suggest that white-collar offenders are extroverted and sociable (Benson and Manchak, 2014). White-Collar criminals are also described as people that want to get ahead in life, and will do so at most any cost. They are both ambitious and shrewd. Finally, they are willing to put their own interests and gains ahead of everything else, including the moral principles of society, meaning they are morally

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