Where The Red Fern Grows Movie Vs Book

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Where The Red Fern Grows Essay Alexa M. Over the last few weeks, our class has been reading the book “Where The Red Fern Grows” written by Wilson Rawls, published in 1961. We also watched the movie directed by Norman Torman, released in 1974. I will be talking about which is better: the book or the movie. Watching and reading them both, there are multiple points we need to think about before we can say which one is better. There are many different strengths and weaknesses that both the book and the movie have. Throughout this piece, I will be elaborating on just what these strengths and weaknesses are. To begin, I am going to talk about the characters. I think that there is a big difference between the characters and the way they act in …show more content…

This one wasn’t as noticeable to me as it was to the characters, nonetheless I could still tell the difference. In the book, due to Wilson Rawls amazing talent of storytelling, the readers were able to experience everything the book had to offer. I think that with everything they added in the book, it was more thrilling and entertaining than in the movie. An example of this is when Billy says “Several times I tried to move my feet but they seemed to be nailed to the floor, I knew the pups were mine, all mine, yet I couldn't move, my heart started acting like a drunk grasshopper, I tried to swallow but couldn't. My Adam's apple wouldn't work” ( Page 20 ). I picked this because there is so much detail being used trying to make the reader understand just how Billy was feeling. I think that even though the movie showed you what was happening, that way you didn't need to picture it, I still would have chosen the book just because of how much detail there is. As we near the end, I am finally going to be talking about the setting. I didn’t find there was much of a difference between how the book illustrated the setting versus how the movie illustrated the setting. An example of this is: “She walked over and very tenderly started fingering the red leaves” ( Page 127 ). I picked this because the author did a very good job of writing it so you can picture exactly what was happening and so you can feel the moment. In the book, some of the settings

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