Where Are You Going Where Have You Been Character Analysis Essay

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In the short story by Joyce Carol Oates, “Where are you going, where have you been?” it is about a young girl, Connie, that decides to stay home one day rather than joining her family to a barbeque at their aunts house. She has the entire house alone to herself until two guys, Arnold and his friend, arrive. Arnold tries to manipulate Connie into going with him for a ride in his car. Connie is tempted and confused until she realizes that Arnold is much older than him and she begins to panic. Arnold threatens her and her family if she doesn’t go with him and she soon comes to a conclusion that her only option is to go with him and she does. The major conflict is between Arnold and Connie. Connie is a young, defenseless, and clueless girl; on the other hand, Arnold is a dangerous man that is up to no good. He stalks Connie and learns everything about her that he can possibly learn. “I know your name and all about you, lots of things” (pg 131). With all the research that Arnold did, it gave him the upperhand. Connie tried to scare him off by bringing up her dad, “if my father comes and sees you” and Arnold completely just shut her up and told her plain out “He ain’t coming. He’s at a barbecue” (pg 133). The only thing standing in Arnolds way of getting inside the house was a screen door; practically nothing. Due to …show more content…

She is a naive brat that doesn’t understand what life is really about and focuses her attention on going out with her friends and meeting new guys. When Arnold first got to her house with his fancy car, she was confused on whether or not she liked him. She liked for guys to attempt to speak to her and would “feel good” ignoring them (page 127). To her, she was the prettiest in the family and was constantly thinking about her image. She thought she was better than her family and felt resentful towards them. She felt like she was too good to accompany her family to her aunt’s barbecue and it cost

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