What's Wrong With Degrading Women In Schools Summary

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Chemaly Calls Out Schools and Society for Trivializing Derogatory Actions against Females
Soraya Chemaly’s article, “What’s Wrong with Degrading Girls and Women in Schools?” examines the objectification of girls and women in schools and universities that has yet to be understood as sexist and discriminatory. Chemaly illustrates that actions such as males wearing t-shirts with derogatory sayings and pictures, are viewed at as “silly”. In addition, she proves that for years colleges have looked the other way while fraternities engage in sexist demoralizing games that reduce a woman to nothing more than body parts. Chemaly also notes that females acceptance of objectification begins at a young age, when they learn to accept that this is just how …show more content…

An example that may create a question as to her character is found in her use of foul language when pointing out some factors of why girls think that sexual assault and violence are something they just have to live with. Chemaly exclaims, “….this is seriously fucked up”. While this may seem to somewhat discredit her appeal, the majority of her audience is women, and however crass the word may be, it is still the thought that would most likely go through most women’s minds when reading the information she presents. Chemaly engages her readers with powerful examples of the disgraceful actions that have been going on in many college fraternities for years. For instance, Chemaly discusses the miss handling and blatant discrimination of women by fraternities. Included in this list are prominent Yale fraternities, Chemaly notes, “Five years ago, Yale’s Zeta Psi fraternity took photos of member holding up signs reading, “We love Yale sluts.” Another fraternity had fun running around singing, “No means yes! Yes means anal!” The schools recommended punishment for sexual assault violations at the time was a written reprimand.” Giving her readers access to information such as this builds upon her respect as an author, as she further proves her case. Moreover, a reader is inclined to trust her based on the readily conclusive articles she …show more content…

One example pertains to a study by Sociologists for Women in Society, which finds the major reasons girls don’t report sexual violence is due to fear and the desire to be accepted. Chemaly cites, “Researchers concluded that "girls don't support other girls when they report sexual violence. The young women expressed fear that they would be labeled as a "whore" or "slut," or accused of exaggeration or lying by both authority figures and their peers, decreasing their likelihood of reporting sexual abuse." Accordingly, between the reality of these findings, and common sense, Chemaly further invokes her credibility. In another solid analogy she claims, “The negative consequences of denigrating humor and imagery are clear, even if they are not well understood. Sexist media and humor results in greater acceptance of rape myths and gendered violence, trivializes them, and leads to an increased inclination to blame victims. For good measure, it also results in a lack of desire to either punish rapists and abusers or assign responsibility to them for their actions. That affects, and ultimately imperils, all of us. As a class of human beings.” Chemaly establishes something that we actually

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