What's Corporate Social Responsibility

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“Corporate Social Responsibility” “Corporations today are under a microscope. Virtually every aspect of operations is subject to scrutiny by consumers.” According to Ogilvy, If CSR issues are managed well, there will be opportunities for a company to build its reputation and differentiate itself. In today’s society, what you stand for as an organization matters way more than what you produce, sell or what services you provide. CSR is a commonly used as an abbreviation for “Corporate Social Responsibility”. It is the corporate plan to assess and take liability for the organization’s effects on the environment and impact on social welfare. It’s basically a company's commitment to values that benefit society in addition to itself and its shareholders. It includes procedures that support community services, giving to charity, fair trade, environmental protection, as well as equitable business dealings with customers, employees and business partners. It’s important for persons to understand that CSR is not charity. It is generally about how companies earn their profits. It takes employees of integrity and appropriate organizational structures to realize good CSR strategies. It is a matter of both individual and institutional ethics. It’s amazing how much power a company can have in a community and the national economy. Many large corporations are devoting serious time and money to environmental sustainability programs and various social welfare initiatives that would benefit employees, customers and the community at large. CSR is about building trust. Trust in the brand, the employee, the company to “do the right thing” and trust in the product or service. The task of CSR is to prevent morally guilty practices, which can weaken soci... ... middle of paper ... ...r.com. Ogilvy Public Relations, 2014, 22 Mar 2014. Carty, Sue-Lynn. “What are the Functions of Social Corporate Responsibility?”ehow.com. eHow, 2009, 22 Mar 2014. “Corporate Social Responsibility.” Investopedia.com. (I) Investopedia, n.d. 23 Mar 2014 “Risk Management.” marquette.edu. Marquette University, 2014, 23 Mar 2014. Willkommen, Herzlichen. “What is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)?” youtube.com, 30 Sep 2012, 23 Nov 2014 Thorn, Heidi. “Corporate social responsibility advantages.” heidithorne.hubpages.com, Hubpages, 2 Feb 2014, 24 Mar 2014. Scilly, M. “Five Dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility.” smallbusiness.chron.com, Grammarly, 2014, 24 Mar 2014. Strategic Planning for Public Relations. 2nd edition, Ronald D. Smith, Buffalo State collage. 2005. “Immense Returns from Social investment.” Ttutc.com, Unit Trust Corperation, 2012, 24 Mar 2014.

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