What makes "Good" Characters Good in "Dracula" by Bram Stoker

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In the book Dracula by Bram Stoker, he portrays the good characters as people who would wilfully go out of their way to help people without expecting anything in return. Some examples of this would be Dr. Van Helsing and his friends and people who try to help Lucy get back to normal. An example of why Van Helsing is so good is that when Dr. Seward asked him to come help Lucy when she was sick, he stopped whatever work he was doing and went to help Dr. Van Helsing was a vital part in helping to stop Dracula because he was an expert on Vampires. One of the reasons that makes the “good” characters in this book good is that they are not helping to stop Dracula for selfish reasons, they are doing it because they want to see the Dracula get defeated and help save everyone that he has endangered.

The main good characters in this book are Dr. Van Helsing, Jonathan Harker, Mina Murray and Lucy Westerna. What makes Jonathan Harker so good is that he will do almost anything to help stop Dracula. He is Mina Murray’s fiancée and a solicitor who became a prisoner of Dracula but finally ...

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