What Makes Marc Perez Unique Essay

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In life, most people spend their time making grand plans for it. As a human, a goal is to find happiness and acceptance in where they stand. From childhood to adulthood life will always go its own way planed or not. Although life can go different ways what makes him unique is his childhood, his interest and they greatest and worst things he has done. Firstly, childhood and growing up had a big impact in Perez’s life. June nineteen seventy-seven is where it all started for Marc Perez in Pasadena, Texas growing up in South Texas the rest of his childhood. Growing up with four brothers and being the oldest out of the four. Being the older brother meant he was always looked up too and had to be the most influential. As years go by becoming a teen into a young adult Perez graduated from Los Fresnos High School making the best out of his four …show more content…

Influences, hobbies, goals, and dreams. Parents mean the world to Perez they are his best influences and his favorite band Tool also an inspiration. His influences tie into his hobbies learning how to play interments at the age of ten by his father. Perez can play anything with strings guitar’s, violins, it’s a safe place a calm place. As life, did go its own way trucking became his interest doing that for a while became a career driving through all forty-eight states having some wild stories to tell about his trips for instance, one day Perez was driving his truck “carrying about 48 forty-eight tons” Perez mentioned dramatically and all of a sudden a car decided to try to cut him off and slam on the brakes as soon as he saw another car coming his way at a stop late almost smashing into the car he was able to stop just in time while the other car barely made it out. Even though, Perez had a lot of crazy adventures trucking is his main interest and his goal is to get a business degree in trucking attending Lone Star College and working at Bobs steakhouse in the

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