What Is The Theme Of The Hobbit Movie

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The Hobbit movies will consist of three films. The first, An Unexpected Journey. The other two films, The Desolation of Smaug and There and Back Again. J.R.R. Tolkien's novel is a short adventure story that’s of a single book that is shorter than any one of the three movies of his Hobbit trilogy. First published in 1937, it is recognized as a classic in children's literature. Its playful narrative tone includes a narrator who frequently speaks directly to the reader, and characters that children can relate to. The changes add depth to the story and meet the expectations of fans, but the films are too long, mature and violent for what is meant to be a children's story.
In the Hobbit an Unexpected Journey, the film’s beginning has Bilbo narrates the story of how the dwarves were driven out of their home Erebor, by the dragon, Smaug, after finding the Arkenstone.
Dwalin is the first to show up at Bilbo’s house, followed by Balin, Fili and Kili, and then Gandalf with the rest of the dwarves, except for Thorin, who doesn't arrive until later in the evening. In the book, After Dwalin, Bali, Fili and Kili arrive, they are followed by a group of Dori, Nori, Ori, …show more content…

The Company climbs up some trees to get outside their reach, but when escape looks impossible, Thorin climbs down to confront Azog. Azog battles Thorin when the white orc and his army finally catch up with Thorin and Company. When it looks like Thorin is about to be killed, Bilbo goes to his aid and rescues him. In the book, Azog does not appear in the Hobbit, he was killed by Dain II Ironfoot years earlier in the story. The Company is instead trapped by a group of Wargs who live in the area. The Company tries to escape from the Wargs by climbing trees, but then the Warg's howling attracts the goblins from whom the Company has just escaped. The entire company stays in the trees until rescued by the

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