What Is The Real Final Frontier?

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Ever wonder what the REAL final frontier is? When figuring this out most people say it´s Space. I am here to say it´s the ocean.
Right now only about 5% of the ocean floor is truly discovered by human eyes. This leaves 95% left to explore. With this must unexplored area I am saying we need to start exploring more ocean. As John F. Kennedy says, “ We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch - we are going back from whence we came.¨ To me this quote says that whether we are going to sail the ocean or watch its beauty, we are going back to where we evolved from.
Exploring the ocean has many benefits to us. Exploring the ocean can, ¨ reveal new sources on medical drugs, food, energy resources, and other products.¨ - oceanexplorer.noaa.gov. There are even more beneficial things from exploring the ocean then just this. My point is that if we can learn about all these things by exploring then why are we not doing it? This brings me to my next point. …show more content…

With the Noaa getting not as much money as Nasa then they don't have enough money to explore as much as they would like. Now you Space fans may think, ¨ Oh well building a rocket takes a lot more money to build then building and running a submarine.¨ While that is true what would you get with space exploration? Some of you would probably say, ¨ We could find another planet to inhabit.¨ Ok but, why do we need to find another planet to inhabit right now? We can go explore the ocean and stay on Earth longer. In our lifetime we won´t need another planet to

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