What Is Steinbeck's Purpose In The Novel Of Mice And Men

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John Steinbeck describes a world where the American dream is simple, yet hard to achieve. In the novel Of Mice And Men, Steinbeck paints a tragic portrait of America in the 1930´s. Steinbeck reveals the struggles and obstacles people faced during the Great Depression. The novel had situations that were tragic as well as major conflicts. The novel is full of complicity and twisting. The characters that are constantly being mistreated are the ones considered weak. Crooks is constantly being discriminated for being black, Curley’s wife is being underestimated for being a woman, and Candy experiences mistreatment for being old and discapacitated. All of these characters experience exclusion and solitude. Steinbeck's purpose in writing Of Mice And Men was to criticize racism, sexism, and mistreatment. John Steinbeck's purpose in writing of mice and men was to criticize racism. The quote will let you know how the characters from of mice and men were being racist towards crooks. John Steinbeck writes “you go on and get outta my room. I ain’t wanted in the bunkhouse, you ain’t wanted in my room. “Why ain’t you wanted?” Lennie asked. …show more content…

Crooks, candy, and curley’s wife are being mistreated because they are different in their own ways from the rest of the characters. John Steinbeck highlights crook’s mistreatment, “for a moment she stood over him as though waiting for him to move so that she could whip at him again; But crooks sat perfectly still, eyes averted, everything that might be hurt drawn in”(81). The quote lets you know how crooks were being mistreated. Steinbeck reveals Curley’s wife harassing crooks because he was told her that he “you got no rights comin’ in a colored man’s room”(80). In this quote, you can see how she was mistreating crooks and why she did it. Crooks wasn’t the only one that was being mistreated, Candy also experiences mistreatment for being old and

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