What Is Piggy's Glasses Symbolize In Lord Of The Flies

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Is anyone capable to become evil? Everyone has the evil, savagery within themselves, it just takes that little feud of energy to bring it out of yourself In the Lord of The Flies, Golding uses many symbolizes that show that anyone is capable to become a Nazi by the beast within us. In the novel, Golding’s symbols shows how civilization changes into a fight against savagery. Golding’s point in using symbols is to clarify his point across of civilization vs. savagery. They represent the difference of the good and bad. For example, Piggy and his glasses are a sign of intelligence and status of social order. This shows that Piggy is the voice of reason; the smartest of all boys in the group. His glasses, as well as himself, designate clear-sightedness. This is important because Piggy’s glasses stands for him seeing more clearly than the other boys. In addition, to being a symbol of power, as his glasses are used to start a fire. …show more content…

This is a sign of authority, order, and democracy. Ralph was contributed to being in command because of his size, height, and how muscular he is. Although he may not be the smartest of the group, he sure does care a lot for the boys and will protect them. Also, the conch is another well example of authority. It is importance because it is the main object of authority within civilization. It keeps everything in control and not into savagery. In simpler terms, the importance of symbols within the novel is to show civilization vs.

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