What Is An Iq Test Misinterpreted?

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Created more than a decade ago, IQ test are still widely used today to measure an individual’s mental agility and ability. IQ test can be used to help identify children for special education or those who test gifted. Alfred Binet, one of the first creators of the IQ test, felt that these tests were “inadequate measures of intelligence, pointing to the test’s inability to properly measure creativity or emotional intelligence” This paper will discuss why the concept of IQ test are controversial among educators, how it can be misinterpreted, if IQ can predict achievement in school and in life, and if it increases across the lifespan. This reaction paper will also discuss why it is important for students to learn not only in their preferred …show more content…

It is believed that tests are a precise measurement of a student’s ability. Intelligence testing misinterpreted if the test is unreliable. The test must be “consistent and stable “reading” of a person’s ability from one occasion to the next, assuming the person’s ability remains the same.” (book) There could also be an error in scores. When taking the test, students may be in a foul mood, unmotivated, may have cheated, or have horrible test taking skills. Directions to the test could be unclear, the reading level could be too high, the items are confusing, or the time limits are wrong. (Book) “The language of the test and the tester is often different from the languages of the students.” (Book). The test may also be unfair because the test tend to ask questions on experiences and facts which minority groups may lack. …show more content…

There is still a debate on whether IQ scores determines educational and life success. “Kids who score higher on IQ tests will on average, go on to do better in conventional measures of success in life: academic achievement, economic success, even greater health, and longevity.” Scores can determine how motivated a student is not just because of intelligence. The measurement of intelligence is extremely useful because it’s a reasonably it’s a good predict of grades at school, performance at work and many other aspects of success in life. Researchers have found that those with a higher IQ perform better than those with a lower IQ. People in professional careers, such as attorneys, accountants, and physicians tend to have higher IQ’s and tend to outperform those with lower scores. “School has a massive effect on effect on IQ” (aft).Those who are deprived from education for a certain period of time show a decrease in IQ points and loss of academic

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