What Is A National Dividend Pigou

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In Pigou’s chapter A National Minimum Standard of Real Income, he discusses what a country’s minimum standard of living should be for those who are worse off. He first tackles the topic of whether taking resources, i.e., money, from the rich to give to the poor increases the national dividend. To understand this, one must understand what the national dividend is. The national dividend is an alternative way to measure the economic well being of a nation’s people based on the value of the things they choose to consume in their households. Some transferences can actually hurt the poor by lowering their real income while transferences that increase the national dividend will raise the poor’s real income. However, if the government establishes a minimum standard of real income in order to protect the poor from losing some of their income. This might diminish the …show more content…

In today’s world where so many people are impoverished in need of government assistance, how could the government regulate every person and their spendings? Also I am curious to know how Pigou would change his beliefs today since there are many women working what would have once been considered a “man’s job.” Therefore would he still believe that families where women work alongside their husbands in order to keep the family sustained should be assisted by the government? Aside from this I do agree with a lot he is saying. The huge problem with the minimum standard of living being in place is the foreigners who want to take advantage of it which will cause the problem of not being able to differentiate between those who really want to work and those who want the government’s help. Either way, I do believe that in places that can afford it, there must be a minimum standard of living set for all

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