What Happened To Virgil's Crossing The Bridge?

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Onward we walk; my master and I, until the sight of a small footbridge stops us in our tracks. With its haphazard stones that form a conglomerate arch upon which to cross, I freeze in fear. Directly beneath the bridge, I hear the interjections of water snakes hissing and slithering through the mosquito infested water. Virgil takes the lead and tests the bridge's sturdiness, signaling for me to follow. The bridge wobbles beneath us with each step taken. Its slipperiness and lack of walls to prevent the looming creatures under the water from consuming me strike fear in my heart. Crossing the bridge, I am met by the base of a mountain, fashioned with a tall, narrow opening that fades to eternal black. I enter. A rhythmic thumping grows louder …show more content…

It is because of their inability to listen, absorb new perspectives, and live life without regard to other possibilities that their brain is turned to mush. The twists and turns of the maze diverged, with every sinner who believed that their single idea could trump the multitude of different ideas that were birthed. Virgil led me out of the narrow puzzle and as we squeezed through the passageways. In the shadows of the dark cave, I could see the swift movement of the crocodile's mouth as he crushed Sarah's head. A blood-curdling scream was released and echoed, bouncing off the walls. Virgil and I reached the end of the procession toward the light and looking back in a mirror I see the face of a young girl, Nicole Waddington, whom I had only known through books. Virgil explains that she is the ultimate sinner, who in her life, failed to listen to those who opposed her beliefs. She never accepted that other people had different answers to the world’s biggest questions; therefore, she must remain trapped in her own reflection on the cave wall, watching all those who she put down be torture as her own head is set on fire. Virgil led me out of the maze and the screams faded into the distance. We come upon a passage of broken rocks and enter Circle 7, Round

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