What Does Religion Mean To Me

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On January 25, 1963, the world was blessed with an extraordinary child who will provide gifts of strength and love to all he touches. This miraculous creature is none other than my father, Jemeamlouis Phillipaiya. He was born at Jaffna Teaching Hospital in Jaffna, Sri Lanka and he lived there for his whole life before deciding to move to Canada in 1990. As a child he mainly helped his family with the farm and housework, along with focusing on his studies. In his free time, he would fly kites and play soccer with his friends. My father is best described as a mischievous and kind child with a great deal of love and passion. He has been a truck driver for the past 22 years, after migrating to Canada, but over the years he had worked for many different …show more content…

I am a proud Roman Catholic which is seen through my weekly altar serving at my church, Our Lady of Airways. My service to the church is how I express my belief with God and contribution to the community. My daily prayer with the Lord before I go to sleep keeps my bond strong with Him. During my prayer, I reflect the decisions I had made throughout my day whether exceptional or evil. I give grace for the strength He provided me and to grant me the power to change for the better. Furthermore, I communicate with God and explain about Him with my non-Catholic friends. They often confuse Roman Catholic with Christianity, but I would clarify that they both overlap, and I also answer their other questions willingly which often involve Christmas or Easter. I love God but what I am uneasy with is that the Catholic Church and I have different perspectives on the LGBTQ+ community. I believe that we all have to love each other, and be able to accept one another, but the Catholic church in many ways have been against the community. This influenced a handful of my friends to be against the community because they believe God made Adam and Eve with the image of God in mind. Their opinion is based on the idea that man and women should only be together and have intercourse for reproduction only, but I feel one can live their life with whomever they love, and we should not judge them for their lifestyle. I feel I could also be more active in my life for my faith. Even though I attend mass regularly, a part of my youth group, and pray daily, I feel I am not satisfied. I want to improve my faith by being a part of organizations and understand my faith better. Overall, even though I do not agree with certain opinions of the church, I believe God loves every one of us which is why I am content with my

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