What Does Pentagram Mean

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The term Pentagram has several meanings one being an object of a five-pointed star. The Pentagram can also mean symbolic used by a faith, the Pentagram is said to have magic, it is said to have come from by the Greeks. The Pentagram has the meaning of the four elements earth, air, fire, water including spirit. Christians have said that the Pentagram stands for Gods wounds.It is said that if the Pentagram is reversed it can represent evil. A flaming Pentagram can mean Black Magic. To myself, the term Pentagram can have several different meanings one meaning being the elements of the earth, air, fire, water including spirit. Spirit meaning the deity that you are honoring when one is performing a ritual, spell or casting a circle. Also, Pentagram means to myself power, strength, magic, dignity, to honor, respect along with one bonding with nature. …show more content…

Spirit the other point of the Pentagram is said to be the deity that one is honoring during the circle. When one is performing a spell one would need the elements to help with the spell, also when has an Altar set up one would have objects with the Pentagram on the Altar. Another way one would use a Pentagram in practices is by drawing a picture of the Pentagram on the floor or on the wall, by wearing jewelry with the Pentagram on it or by using a cloth to put on their Altar or to hang on the wall with the Pentagram on it. One would use herbs for spells along with potions that come from the earth. I would use the term Pentagram in my practices in several different ways. One way would be by me wearing a necklace with the Pentagram on it, also by way of my

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