What Does It Mean To Be Senseless?

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Oh, senseless teenagers of society- to believe that you maintain reason and competence is the very idiocy that blinds you. Whilst you folly in totality to those around, stupidity stabs the hearts of the earth and infects it with your venomous ora. You are consumed and suffocated by temptuous evil. Its savaging claws are forever impelled into souls as yours, and they forebode the innocent of impending corruption. All so subtle but familiar, as temptation replaces obedience with rebellion, modesty with prostitution, innocent games with fatal encounters, and a once genuine love with cold, callous hearts. Society continues deteriorating at the result of your contorted minds; the irony is that you cannot fathom your own disease. Brothers and …show more content…

Our Fathers did not come seeking recklessness; rather, they sought ideals that cultivated basic American values. Their houses displayed strong, durable images, the very prosperity they desired to achieve was exemplified through their perseverance and hard-working mindset. Can you say that your houses continue to stand tall? Your houses have become staggering, barely able to stand on their own foundation due to your mental demolition. It is righteous, it is acceptable that you have come to tear down and destroy the dreams of our Fathers. But you must understand, that thought is only logical to you. Your minds are like lame donkeys, clueless and foolish in the eyes of society. Surely you have fallen into traps of technology and modernization, but that was your decision. No soul has ever forced you into such, and to believe that you are trapped is childish! You continue allowing yourselves to be glued to screens and artificial friendships. Oh, fools! Can you not see the toll you are taking? You deprive your parents of money, you tear tiny hearts apart with your insolence, you have no moralistic sense. Oh fools, when will you wake up and realize that the world around you is …show more content…

Together, you condone one another in your asinine statements and perceptions. Because you are all infected with stupidity, you come to view the decisions you make as acceptable. You satisfy one another’s cravings for excitement and new ideas, and when its openly considered, you devour your newly gained satisfaction like a pack of savaging wolves. These meals that you cook for one another consist of the vilest things to any human, but you cannot testify to such because you are nothing but a pack of feral creatures that pounce on all that is the slightest bit appealing. You consume horrific foods and are thus consumed by drugs, provocative behavior, sexual entendres, violence, and discompassion. Sadly, even when you are addicted to damaging substances, selling yourself to people for money, patronizing your once beloved family and friends, you still do not realize the implications of your actions. Society is slapping you in the face with the consequences, but you are not able to understand! You still desire to conform to your animalistic ways, and because you are plagued by hormones and need for acceptance, you choose not to do the right thing. Instead of living decently and serenely, you wolves rely on one another’s approval like a fish confides in a shark not to attack him. Teenagers inevitably turn on one another, so you are stupid if you believe your

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