What Do People Do During The Great Depression

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The Great Depression strongly affected people all over the United States for a period of time. People were losing their jobs everyday. Unemployment was the highest it had ever been. Although the government was trying to make jobs for people, the arts, like theater, were still struggling immensely. In New York alone, there were only six theaters open between January until June. The Federal Theater Project (FTP) was the biggest controversial issue of all. There was not much being done to help save the FTP. Everything being tried, failed. They were using important money for wasteful projects. For instance a radio show helped the community, however it wasted money that could be used for more important problems. The FTP used a great deal of money for a radio show called “Federal Theater of Air.” Although the show reached around 10 million listeners, the money could have been used for a greater good. The radio helped with broadcasting and getting the word out to let people know there is a way to get jobs. The radio show eased the stress for some people, but it caused a bigger issue with money when it came directly to the FTP. This is during The Great …show more content…

The Depression hit and there was a rise in cinemas. The commercial theater advocates kept trying to gain government back for money. FTP were being sponsored by having artwork and performances in hospitals, schools, CCC camps, etc. Although there was some support, there was still controversy between the people who wanted the social service theory of dramatics and professional theater people. Hallie Flanagan spoke in Text two, “The project that eventually emerged, however, was far from the vision.” The project started failing because more problems were being created. The theater people’s goals differed from the government sponsored theater programs. They were worried the government would try and make it their way and ignore the real

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