What Caused The Dust Bowl Dbq

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The 1930s was a monumental era and people will never forget the events that took place as millions of acreage was destroyed by a single element of bad weather (“Dust Bowl Facts And summary” n.p.). As many other states were blithely appreciating the warm rain from spring’s hands, Texas was experiencing a hard blow of violent winds. Families lost their crops, houses, lives and their good health when the sandstorm hit, all because of industrialized farming products. This caused many people to acquire respiratory infections and other infections like eye septicity.
Many things led up to the dust storm. The first one was the homestead act of 1862 which stated that a person could get 160 acres of land as long as they lived on it for 5 years. (“Dust …show more content…

People thought there would only be one storm, but they were wrong, there would be many more. Many families could not sleep through the storms and when the morning came the bedsheets would be tinted brown. Other times when they went outside the air would be so dark they could not even see their own hands(Jackson n.p.). This dust created a severe problem later, Ron Jackson said that as many as 52% of the hospital patients admitted later who had survived the dust bowl suffered from respiratory dust pneumonia(Jackson n.p.). Caroline Henderson gives us a stark insight into the event, "Now we are facing a fourth year of failure. There can be no wheat for us in 1935 in spite of all our careful and expensive work in preparing the ground, sowing and re-sowing our allocated acreage. Native grass pastures are permanently damaged, in many cases hopelessly ruined, smothered under by drifted sand. Fences are buried under banks of thistles and hard packed earth or undermined by the eroding action of the wind and lying flat on the ground. Less traveled roads are impassable, covered deep under by sand or the finer silt-like loam. Orchards, groves, and hedge-rows cultivated for many years with patient care are dead or dying ... Impossible it seems not to grieve that the work of hands should prove so perishable.(Jackson n.p.).” This dust was around so much, it's

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