What Are The Worst Effects Of Poverty?

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A pregnant mom to be that lives her life in poverty tends to not be able to get all the daily nutrients that she needs to allow the healthy development of the baby. Often the baby is born with a low birth weight, which later can cause infant mortality, physical problems and mental problems. 80% of poverty mom-to-be’s will give birth to low birth weight infants. Although physical health outcomes can be life threatening, cognitive may be the worst effect of poverty. Cognitive outcomes of poverty include, development delays, and learning disabilities. Developmental delays can be temporary or permanent such as not being able to walk by the usual range of age most children begin to walk, but eventually they will gain the skills to walk, but in …show more content…

This can be caused by genetic or environmental factors. Other developmental delays include behaviors, motor, vision, hearing, and speech. Speech is a very common outcome, parents are too busy trying to provide instead of sitting down talking to their child often so the child can get familiar with words and hearing. Learning disabilities are usually pointed out during Math, and English testing. Temporary learning disabilities may be caused by simply not reading to children before bed or did not provide enough educational tools to learn from before school started. This causes the child to not have skills that children his or her age needs before starting school, which causes them to fall behind. This may be temporary if intervened by tutors or providing the educational needs for the child, if not the learning disability could be permanent, causing a greater struggle …show more content…

Often the only way to get out of poverty is to get an education that can provide them with a job that meets their income needs. If a child’s school achievement is affected by poverty, they have a higher chance of dropping out and continuing poverty in their generation. Effects of school achievement are measured by if the child has repeated a grade, suspended or expelled, and/or dropped out before graduating. Many children that live in poverty will repeat a grade due to limit educational tools to provide them with practice at home. If the child has behavior problem, then they may be expelled for acting out or misbehaving, this affects their learning because they are not in class learning. The percentage of children living poverty that are affected by school achievement outcomes are 2-3 times greater than children not living in poverty. Emotional or behavior outcomes are measured by tantrums, outbursts and aggression, which persist beyond the normal age range expected. Poor children suffer from emotional and/or behavior outcomes more often than children living in non-poverty. Many of these effects are displayed at school and at home, occasionally in public places such as the mall, and cause lots of disturbances such as violence. Emotional problems also include internal problems such as anxiety and depression, which can cause the child to disassociate themselves from social opportunities. These children are often thought

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