What Are The Similarities Between The Glass Castle And To Kill A Mockingbird

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In the stories The Glass Castle and To Kill a Mockingbird, both of the families experience poverty. Both families experienced poverty in different ways, the Walls experienced poverty, The Finch’s lived through it. The Walls family was always moving around because they could not pay their bills on time. Rex, The Father in The Glass Castle, could not keep a job. Rosemary, The Mother in The Glass Castle, was an artist and eventually got a teaching job, but one parent can not carry a whole family. Now the Finch family were considered a wealthy family at the time they were living in. The family lived through the time of the Great Depression. Atticus was a lawyer during the Great Depression, so his family had more money than a lot of other families. Other families that lived in Maycomb County …show more content…

When he would come home, he had bought them cowboy hats and fringed vests, and they ate chicken-fried steaks in restaurants with ice-cold air-conditioning and a miniature juicebox at each table. To the Walls family this was lavishly lived, they had never had this before. Although that didn't last for long, a couple days later Rosemary and Rex went to the blackjack table. After they almost immediately went looking for the kids, Rex tells them “One of the dealers had figured out he had a system and had put a word out on him.” They had to get as far away from Las Vegas as possible, Rex said “The mafia owned one of the casinos, and was after him.” They had started their journey to another home, they headed west, through the deserts then the mountains. Finally they made it to San Diego and had found a hotel to stay in, one night Janette woke up, the air was hot and stifling. After the hotel had burnt down, they lived on the beach for a few days. Now in To Kill a Mockingbird, they had never experienced anything of that sort. The Finch children were very shielded compared to the Walls

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