What Are The Similarities Between Awakenings And Flowers For Algernon

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The stories of Awakenings and “Flowers for Algernon” were both similar and different in their own unique ways. In “Flowers for Algernon,” the main character, Charlie, has always been challenged academically. Charlie is tested many times, and is offered an operation that claims it will make him three times smarter. He gains tons of knowledge and makes many scientific discoveries, but his intelligence level returns to where it was before, and he dies as an effect of the operation. In Awakenings, Dr. Sayer begins a new job at a chronic hospital, and finds an odd disorder where patients are in a catatonic state, but have amazing reflexes. Dr. Sayer then discovers a drug that he gives to a patient, Leonard, and eventually the other patients. Everything starts out amazing, and everyone learns and forms friendships. However, Leonard becomes agitated and starts twitching, along with all the other patients, and they soon return to their catatonic state. Leonard’s journey is Awakenings was worth it, but Charlie’s journey was not worth it. …show more content…

At the end of the story, Charlie moves away from his home because he can’t relate to people or go back to his normal life. “I forgot I wasn’t in Miss Kinnian’s class at the adult center...She started to cry and run out of the room and everybody looked at me and I saw they weren’t the same people who used to be in my class….That’s why I’m going away from New York for good” (Keyes 379). He has to move away from his hometown and friends because he can’t function normally, so obviously, not much is gained. It is also implied that Charlie dies at the end of the story because of the operation. Algernon also dies and Charlie says “Goodbye Miss Kinnian and Dr. Strauss and everybody” (Keyes 380). Dying because of an operation and losing all of the intelligence he had does not make his journey worth it. In Awakenings, however, the journey is different, and that makes it worth

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