What Are Conservative Views Affect Social Work?

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“We all want the same things in life. We want freedom; we want the chance for prosperity; we want as few people suffering as possible; we want healthy children; we want to have crime free streets. The argument is how to achieve them.” – Rush Limbaugh. There’s two different views and beliefs whenever policies are involved. In this situation, conservative and liberal views take on the role how to solve American’s number one issue, social welfare. After completing the questionnaire, adding the total and dividing the total by twelve I received my answer. However, the result of my average score was two, which is indicated as “implies that you’re somewhat conservative.” As matter of fact, I personally agree with the questionnaire result, which implies myself more of a conservative person. I believe in personal responsibilities and less dependency on the government, itself. As a mother, wife, full time …show more content…

Conservatives are not friendly nor devoted when an economic intervention issue is brought up. To clarity, conservatives believe social welfare should be limited due to their understanding “government programs promotes laziness.” Additionally, they also argue that if anyone receiving assistances from any government program, they should give something back. Consequently, conservative views affect society members in a few ways. Most notably, how can you truly live the life you want to live, when society doesn’t support it by any means? However, this changes my prospective about social work as a conservative. I strongly support welfare. Therefore, we need welfare to support and provide for the poor. Nevertheless, we certainly have welfare to bring justice and fairness to our economic life, this is important to know. What would happen if all social welfare were cancelled? Without welfare, life would be way below the poverty line. That’s just not

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