Weight Training Experience

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One of the most important things I got introduced to during my high school was weight training. If it was not for my best friend who single-handedly convinced me to go to the school gym and train with him, I would not have been the same person that I am today. At first, I undertook training for the physical gain, but it turned out to benefit much more than just that. Eventually, it fundamentally changed the way I conducted myself in school and my perception of my own body and mind. It all started at puberty - during my middle school years, I started suffering from body shaming issues. I still remember the feeling I had when I looked at myself in the mirror as I was getting ready for my first day of high school. I said to myself, "Nobody is going to like you, you are too fat!" Although I had always heard that it is not how one looks, but how one represents oneself that matters, I found myself becoming more uncomfortable as I walked through the halls of my school and started hating every minute of it. …show more content…

My end goal was to enhance my confidence, to feel better, and to represent the best of myself. While I was consistently stepping up the training hours at the gym, I did not notice much change in the beginning, but as I hit certain goals the transformation started becoming apparent to me. I had begun participating more confidently in classes by raising my hand often to contribute to the classroom discussions. Thereafter, I never looked back and my progress soon got noticed by my teachers. I remember that health class during 10th grade when my teacher was talking about how important it is for everyone to project confidence. To my surprise, she pointed to me and said “Look at Suraj, he is one of the most confident students I have seen this year.” That moment was when all the dots connected and I realized the work I had been doing all these months had finally started to pay

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