Water Bottled Water Research Paper

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All of the water bottle companies that we know and trust contain one secret: the ingredients inside of their water. Because there are no labels on the bottles explaining what exactly has been added to the water, people with certain diseases or people with bodies that can’t process the content of these altered waters can be seriously harmed. These companies are lying, which can also cause many problems to the people that consume their products. Nothing has been done to fight these lies because the testing for water contaminants has become less and less strict, making companies able to get away with the contents of their water. But the bigger issue is that water bottle companies won’t admit to their mistakes, as they know they would lose money …show more content…

The harmful additives that are found in water are obviously bad for the body. Companies claim that the minerals they put in the water are to boost its quality, but in reality they only make it worse. Not only is the water supposed to be safe to drink and free of contaminants, but in a recent German-led study, scientists found that a single bottle of water contained nearly 25,000 chemicals. Companies such as Nestle Pure Life Water contain many incredibly dangerous substances, but one of the worst is fatal chemical: calcium chloride. This chemical is usually found in pools, and unfortunately, it is found Nestle Pure Life Water as well. According to livestrong.com(Author’s name) states, “Ingestion may seriously irritate the moist linings of the body, such as those in the nostrils, mouth and throat, lips, eyelids and ears. Ingestion of larger amounts may induce gastrointestinal upset, vomiting and abdominal pain.” Knowing that this type of chemical isn’t just found in one bottled water company, but many is scary. According to Draxe.com (Author’s Name), “In widespread testing, a whopping 93 percent of bottled water samples tested were contaminated with tiny pieces of plastic. The study found an average of 10 total plastic particles and plastic fibers per liter; that’s twice the plastic level found in tap water. And get this: Some of the most popular brands were contaminated — this is widespread. A small amount of the plastic fragments tested positive for industrial lubricants, but researchers say there is evidence that at least some of the tiny plastic pieces found in the water come from the packaging itself.” It is clear that bottled water is undeniably bad for anyone to

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