Watchmen The Comedian Argumentative Essay

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Acknowledging that human fate consists of predetermined events illuminates mankind’s insignificance and reinforces belief in higher powers. The magnitude of humanity’s unimportance sets in once accepting that fate is preordained. Synthesized human constructs, like time, aid in the preservation of mankind’s fictional importance. This proves fatal since the lack of free will and nihilistics tendencies in society produce our unimportance. Living without purpose due to the inevitability of death adds strength to the idea of predestination. The universe continues forward with or without humanity. So it’s logical to assume we have no deeper meaning for being alive. In the book Watchmen, the Comedian addresses the pointlessness of morality in society …show more content…

If mankind’s actions are executed by someone or something other than the individual free will, believing in religion or higher powers is a logical stance to take. Incapable of controlling own actions shows man’s irresponsibility and futile temperament. Dr. Manhattan in the novel Watchmen, alludes to the presence of a higher power. He can see the strings of humanity being pulled just not the tangible being doing the tugging. Applying this statement to society provides the basis behind religion or belief in deities. With death being an omnipresent threat people gravitate towards signs of enlightenment. The realization of inevitable death reiterates human insignificance creating the reliance on religious beliefs to cope with predestination. Cormac McCarthy’s The Road describes a religious debate during a cathartic journey. The young boy in the novel struggles to grasp the concept of death. The idea of death parallels that of addressing the afterlife, this part of the boy’s brain wants to accept the concept of religion and higher powers. All human action results in complete lack of meaningful contribution to the universe. Lack of purpose synthesizes man’s religious crutch and formulates the fear of dying in

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