Was Prohibition A Success Or Failure Essay

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Prohibition: success or failure? More than a decade ago, the passing of the 18th Amendment banned the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcohol. But did this law, in truth, fulfill its purpose and solve any problems of America? Even before the 18th Amendment went into effect in January of 1920, many Americans were in support of Prohibition. Supporters wanted America to be a healthier, safer, and more moral country. Alcohol was causing many problems around the United States. Some people were getting drunk on the job, causing accidents. Others were abusive towards their families. Many people began to realize the affects that alcohol was causing to their country. They believed that enforcing a law that would prohibit the manufacturing, transportation, and selling of alcohol would solve many of these problems by making it unavailable. However, not everyone was in favor of the new Amendment. The President of the time, Woodrow Wilson, was outraged by the idea of Prohibition. He vetoed the bill saying, “These miserable hypocrites in the House and Senate… many with their cellars stocked with liquors and not …show more content…

Although the 18th Amendment never actually banned the consumption of alcohol, it did prohibit the making, selling, and transporting of alcohol. Immediately after the law was passed, many Americans started disobeying it. Speakeasies, which were secret bars, started selling alcohol to the public illegally. It was estimated by the police commissioner that New York City contained double the amount of illegal drinking places than before Prohibition. Citizens also began making illegal moonshine. Sometimes, bootleggers would add dangerous substances into the alcohol, harming the consumer. Sadly, even public officials went against the law. Many police officers around the country took part in distributing alcohol. Various others were bribed to keep quiet and unfortunately, let criminals slip through their

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