War Themes in Birdsong by Sebastian Faulks

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The structure of Faulk’s Birdsong allows us to observe the impact of the War upon numerous individuals across the generations. Throughout the novel, even outside the 1914-1918 time-frame, Faulks continues to maintain a link between the past and the present through his use of a number of motifs and themes. The lasting impact of the War suggests that history should never be forgotten, which is the paramount message in Birdsong. In Birdsong, Faulks considers the idea of the War as an ‘exploration of how far men can be degraded’ in terms of the impact that war had upon the individual characters, resulting in dehumanisation. The main feature of being human is individuality. During his three-day-rest, the character Jack reflects that each soldier had the potential to be an individual, but because of the ‘shadow of what awaited them, [they] were interchangeable’ which is an allusion towards the politics of the War; the men were simply seen as statistics. The men search for a fate within the War, demonstrated when Stephen plays cards with the men and claims that Weir would rather have a ‘malign providence than an indifferent one’ which suggests that the men want to feel that someone is planning their future. During a heavy bombardment, Faulks describes that Tipper’s ‘iris lost all light and sense of life’ during his ‘eruption of natural fear’ when the shells land near him. The eyes here are a metaphor for life; it is a human’s eyes which represent individuality and are often described as the window to the soul. Faulks’ description of the loss of light in the eyes suggests that, as a result of the War, Tipper has lost what makes him human. The natural fear and ‘shrill demented sound’ that arises from Tipper is a ‘primitive fear’ which su... ... middle of paper ... ... generations. A link is also created between Elizabeth and Tipper as Faulks describes that Robert could see Elizabeth’s eyes ‘fill with a determination he had never seen’ which contrasts with the dehumanisation of Tipper as light was lost from his eyes. In this case, Elizabeth is having new life brought to her. The new life of the character baby John indicates that the effects of the War will always remain and that within ‘those still living’ its memory will always live on. In summary, Faulks indicates to us that we should have a strong interest in the War because of the sacrifices that the men made for us. The War was a watershed for everything in society and so without it our lives would be very different today. It is not something which should (or will) be dismissed as time passes on, because the memory of the War will echo throughout the generations forever.

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